Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

[Indonesia] PARAMADINA FELLOWSHIP 2009 for Undergraduate Program (S1)

PARAMADINA FELLOWSHIP 2009: The Gateway to a Bright Future
Universitas Paramadina bekerjasama dengan para dermawan Indonesia memberikan beasiswa kepada siswa-siswi lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) atau sederajat yang memiliki potensi akademis maupun non-akademis untuk mengikuti pendidikan (S-1) di Universitas Paramadina, pada Program Studi:

1. Manajemen dan Bisnis
2. Falsafah dan Agama
3. Ilmu Komunikasi
4. Psikologi,
5. Hubungan Internasional
6. Teknik Informatika
7. Desain Komunikasi Visual
8. Desain Produk Industri

1. Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat dari seluruh Indonesia.
2. Siswa kelas 3 atau lulusan SLTA atau sederajat, dengan nilai rata-rata NEM/UAN, STTB, dan Raport Kelas I, II dan III, minimum 7,50.
3. Termasuk 10 siswa atau lulusan terbaik di kelas selama 4 (empat) semester.
4. Maksimal usia 23 tahun pada tanggal 1 Januari 2009.
5. Memiliki kecerdasan emosional dan jiwa kepemimpinan, mudah bersosialisasi, serta beretika tinggi.
6. Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi intra dan ekstra sekolah.
7. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya merupakan nilai plus.
8. Memahami dan menyetujui semua persyaratan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam program beasiswa ini **

**)Ketentuan yang berlaku:
1. Penerima beasiswa harus menyelesaikan masa kuliah dalam kurun 4 tahun kalender akademik.
2. Siswa yang tidak mendapatkan nilai IPK minimal 3,00 selama dua semester pada saat perkuliahan, dinyatakan gagal dan tidak lagi memperoleh beasiswa untuk penyelesaian sisa masa studi.
3. Nominasi ini akan gugur dengan sendirinya apabila siswa/pendaftar dinyatakan tidak lulus UAN.

Proses Pendaftaran
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diperoleh di Bagian Informasi Universitas Paramadina tanpa dipungut biaya atau dapat di download di website kami : http://www.paramadina.ac.id/files/form-pf2009.pdf. Formulir Pendaftaran yang sudah diisi diserahkan sebelum batas waktu yang ditentukan dengan disertai:
1. Satu halaman tulisan yang berjudul “Cita-Cita Saya di Masa yang Akan Datang” dan satu halaman tulisan berjudul “Pengalaman Berharga Saya.” (Petunjuk dan lembar essay terlampir).
2. Dua surat rekomendasi yaitu dari Kepala Sekolah atau Tokoh Masyarakat dan Guru. (Form surat rekomendasi terlampir).
3. Fotocopy transkip nilai (dilegalisir) :
Untuk Lulusan SLTA
1. Fotocopy NEM
3. Ijazah
Raport Kelas 1, 2, dan 3
Untuk Siswa SLTA Kelas 3 (Raport Kelas 1, 2, dan 3.)
4. Fotocopy Sertifikat Penghargaan yang pernah diraih.
5. Satu foto berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 cm
6. Fotocopy Kartu Identitas (KTP)
7. Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga.

Catatan :
Formulir dan kelengkapan dokumen pendaftaran, dapat diserahkan langsung ke Bagian Informasi Universitas Paramadina (Senin – Jum’at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB dan Sabtu 09.00 – 13.00 WIB) atau dikirim melalui pos.

Kami tidak menerima pengembalian formulir dan berkas pendaftaran melalui e-mail.

Batas Waktu Pendaftaran
Batas akhir penyerahan formulir dan berkas pendaftaran Program Paramadina Fellowship 2009 adalah:

Melalui pos, dengan stempel pos, 11 April 2009.
Langsung ke Universitas Paramadina, 18 April 2009.

Dana Beasiswa
Paramadina Fellowship 2009, dengan nilai beasiswa sebesar Rp. 110.000.000 (seratus sepuluh juta rupiah) mencakup pendanaan :
1. Dana transportasi dari tempat asal menuju ke Universitas Paramadina.
2. Biaya studi selama 4 tahun kalender akademik. Penerima beasiswa diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan studi, maksimal 4 tahun.
3. Dana aktivitas kemahasiswaan sebesar Rp 2.500.000,- (dua juta lima ratus ribu rupiah).
4. Tunjangan buku 1 juta rupiah per-semester.
5. Biaya hidup (living allowance) sebesar 1 juta rupiah per-bulan.**
6. Disediakan asrama, wajib tinggal selama 2 tahun atau 4 semester berturut-turut.**
7. Kemungkinan pelatihan dan magang selama studi, di perusahaan Donor.
8. Peluang kesempatan kerja atau tawaran kerja dari Donor, setelah menyelesaikan studi S-1.

**)Keterangan :
Seluruh penerima beasiswa termasuk mereka yang berasal dari dari wilayah Jabodetabek, berhak atas biaya hidup dan wajib tinggal di asrama.

Untuk memperoleh informasi Paramadina Fellowship 2009,
Sdri. Maya & Erma
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188 Ext. 888/200
Sdri. Muna & Dina
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188 Ext. 132

Universitas Paramadina
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 97
Mampang, Jakarta 12790
Telp. +62 21 7918 1188
Fax. +62 21 799 3375


[Italy] International Scholarship for Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering at Biella Campus

[Italy] International Scholarship for Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering at Biella Campus

International Scholarship for Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Biella campus, Italy

Call for Applications for the 2009/2010 Academic Year
The project offers international students the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Bachelor of Science (BS) program in Textile Engineering at the Biella campus.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is supported by Camera di Commercio di Biella, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Unione Industriale Biellese.

General information on the Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering program
Location: Biella (Città Studi university campus)
Language in which the courses are held: English
Length: 3 years
The activities will begin in September 2009.

For more information on the Biella university campus, please visit the Città Studi website.

1. Having not Italian citizenship or being an Italian citizen who has obtained a secondary school diploma abroad
2. Being at least 18 years old (by 01/09/2009)
3. Meeting the minimum requirements for the admission to Italian university. For further information, please visit the Entry requirements page.
4. In the countries where it is required, having successfully passed the state-level university admission exam (e.g. Gao Kao in China)
5. Knowledge of the English language, preferably demonstrated by an international certification (students who do not provide such certification may be asked to conduct a telephone interview to test their knowledge of English)
6. Not having enrolled in a Bachelor of Science program of the Politecnico di Torino before the 2009/2010 academic year
7. Not being the recipient of other scholarships, Italian or foreign.

Selection criteria
Applicants will be selected based on their previous academic career and on their Curriculum Vitae.

Amount of the scholarship
The gross amount of the Biella Campus scholarship is 10.000 Euro per year (30.000 Euro for the complete period). The exact net sum is dependent upon the individual tax conditions of each student, which can be verified only upon the arrival of the student. The amount of the scholarship will not be increased in case the student will need more time to graduate than indicated.

The allocation of the scholarship is dependent upon the submission, within 10 days from the arrival in Italy of the student, of the original documentation, which must correspond with the documentation attached to the online form (see the "Selection outcomes" section below). Payment of the scholarship occurs periodically. The first instalment is dependent upon the possession of the relevant documentation (residence permit, Italian fiscal code, and bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient), all obtainable upon arrival in Italy; for this reason, the first instalment is not paid at the moment of arrival at the Politecnico di Torino, but in the course of the following months (most probably November).

Requirements to maintain the scholarship
Given that it is not possible to combine the benefits received from more than one scholarship, students who are assigned another study grant while receiving the Biella Campus scholarship must promptly notify the Politecnico di Torino. Payment of the scholarship will be suspended if the academic performance of the recipient does not meet a satisfactory level.

How to apply
To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process:

Application deadline: 8 p.m. (Italian time) on March 22nd, 2009.
Method: fill in the online application form by first registering and providing your biographical information, logging in and choosing your level and degree program, and subsequently submitting the application. Students must also provide information on their previous educational career, language abilities and work experience, and they must attach the necessary documentation in pdf format. After having completed these steps, the application for a scholarship will be considered complete.

N.B. The scholarship or project for which the applicant is eligible is not specified in the application form, since the Politecnico will automatically assess your eligibility for the Biella Campus scholarship based on the information you provide. At the end of the selection process, the Politecnico di Torino will inform you if you have been selected for a Biella Campus scholarship (see the "Selection outcomes" section below).

The following documentation must be attached in pdf format to the online application form: Secondary School Diploma*
For students from the countries where it is required, a certificate showing that the state-level university admission exam (e.g. Gao Kao in China) has been passed**
For students from a national school system in which preuniversity education lasts for less than 12 years: a transcript that demonstrates that all the exams in the student´s program of study have been passed (1 or 2 years, depending on whether the national school system lasts for 11 or 10 years, respectively) OR, for students who have enrolled in a post-secondary institution, a certificate that demonstrates the attainment of a post-diploma degree
Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed (in English if possible) - maximum 3 pages
Letters of reference (optional - 2 maximum)
A personal introduction letter (written by the applicant)
Optional English language certificate

The above documents must be rendered in English (preferably) , Italian, French, or Spanish.

* Applicants who have not yet obtained a diploma by March 22nd, 2009 must in any case submit their application within the said deadline; after this date, they will be allowed to re-enter the application form only to attach the document and fill in the fields relating to the diploma up until July 15th.

** Applicants who have not yet obtained such a certificate by March 22nd, 2009 must in any case submit their application within the said deadline; after this date, they will be allowed to re-enter the application form only to attach this document and fill in the fields relating to the national state-level university admission exam up until July 15th.

We emphasise that the data shown in the documents must coincide with those inserted in the online application form. Moreover, failure to attach even one of the above documents will result in exclusion from the selection process.

[Austria] 18 PhD positions in Molecular Medicine at Medical University of Graz

[Austria] 18 PhD positions in Molecular Medicine at Medical University of Graz

The Medical University of Graz offers a PhD-Program in Molecular Medicine taught in English.

Call for applications for Students

The program provides cutting-edge education in basic principles of human diseases and therapeutics. The thesis projects will focus on various aspects of metabolic, cardiac and vascular diseases, inflammation, cancer and stem cells. They will also integrate basic, applied and clinical sciences, as well as a wide spectrum of experimental techniques.

The program offers multidisciplinary training in Molecular Medicine in a productive and international environment. Successful applicants will carry out individual research projects and participate in lectures, courses, journal clubs, thesis seminars, congresses etc.

Accepted PhD-students will be employed for 3 years with a contract that includes social benefits. Applicants must hold a Master`s degree in Medicine, Chemistry or Life Sciences. Good written and spoken English skills are required.

The call for applications is open!
Deadline: March 15, 2009
Before submitting an application, make yourself familiar with the nature and scope of the program and the formal requirements!

To understand the scientific content of the program you should first read the scope of the program and then look at the projects. If this is, what you are interested in, have a look at the curriculum and the faculty.

PhD Research Positions
The PhD Program of the Medical University of Graz (MUG) is meant to be a highly competitive Excellence Program open for highly motivated students in medicine and life sciences.

The PhD Program implements the third cycle of the Bologna process (the roadmap of the European uni0n for higher education) - that means PhD students are seen at the same time as students who are offered education and guidance for their beneft and as young researchers who contribute to the scientific success of our university. Typically the PhD student will comment his PhD thesis rather soon after the Master`s degree (or equivalent).

The Position
PhD students will be fully employed at the University including social benefits with a net salary of ca. € 1.220,- per month 14 times a year (with the 13th and 14th salary being higher; i.e. a net salary of ca. 17.360 € per year after income tax, health insurance and social security fees).

However, the University does not cover the costs of the PhD enrolment (€ 363.36 per semester) Duties include research (mostly for the thesis) and some teaching (this is also in the interest of the student, since we expect our PhDs to be able to present and teach). A successful PhD student will have to show considerable engagement beyond formal working hours. Parallel to the employment one has to enrol as a PhD student.

Duration of the Contract
Funding is granted for a period of three years, which will be a typical duration for the PhD thesis. Nevertheless, the initial acceptance to the program is not a blank check for three years salary. There will be a constant monitoring of the performance of the student. In case the PhD committee is dissatisfied with a student`s performance, it is obliged to take actions which - in extreme cases - may include a premature termination of the employment contract.

Who can apply?
Any student who has the equivalent of a masters degree in any subject from medicine to chemistry to biology, including biochemistry, micro- or molecular biology, pharmacology or related areas. The criterion for being eligible is that the degree should permit the student to enter PhD education in the country where the degree was obtained (typically his/her home country). Students must be fluent in English (knowledge of German is not a must).

Criteria for admission:
This is an excellence program. We try to get the most interested, ambitious and intelligent students to educate them for a career as scientist on an international level. This is basically the only criterion, we have no quota with regard to sex, ethnicity or nationality.

Selection procedure:
There will be a two-step selection procedure. In the first step written applications will be ranked according to the scientific merits. In a second step, the top candidates will be invited for a personal hearing. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to a certain limit (details will be sent together with the invitation).

If you have decided to apply:
1. Fill in the application form completely.
2. Ask at least two people that are familiar with your achievements to provide recommendation letters on the relevant forms. The recommendation letters must be signed and contain the stamp the respective institution. Your referee is supposed to send the scanned document as an email attachment to PhD-molmed@medunigraz.at stating in the subject line PhD and the name of the candidate (e.g. "Subject: PhD/Smith"). It is your responsibility that the letters of recommendation are received by the Medical University of Graz not later than 15 March, 2009!
3. Provide scans of the following documents (in English or German translation, where necessary) as pdf-files:
-Degree(s) and intermediate certificates (if already obtained)
-Transcripts of marks (academic record)
-Certificate of English proficiency (if available; e.g. TOEFL)
-Be aware that in case of your positive evaluation and invitation to the hearing you will have to provide all your documents in original and certified English or German translation.

4. Compare your documents with the checklist to make sure that your application is complete.
5. Read the overall schedule carefully.
6. Applications must be submitted exclusively by email in full and using only the requested forms to PhD-molmed@medunigraz.at stating PhD application in the subject line.

Send your documents together with the application form. Attachments must not exceed 10 MB, as otherwise submission will be blocked by the server.
Please note that only complete applications will be considered!
Your application will not be handled unless all required documents are submitted.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted (no exception)!
Notably, we advise to send your application even before the deadline so that we can check and inform you about the sufficiency of the documents.

Deadline for Applications March 15, 2009
Based on the written applications, the faculty will select candidates to attend a hearing in Graz.
Invitation to the Hearing / Notification of Non-Acceptance starting April 6, 2009 (1) Two day Hearing in Graz June 8 - 9, 2009
Notification of Acceptance / Non-Acceptance starting June 15, 2009. These are approximate dates; e.g. invitations may also be sent later if additional projects are funded.

[UK] Senior Clinical Training Scholarship Pathology at University of Cambridge

[UK] Senior Clinical Training Scholarship Pathology at University of Cambridge

Senior Clinical Training Scholarship Pathology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge

Limit of tenure: The Scholarships are for one year in the first instance, renewable for periods of one year up to a total of three years. They are subject to an intial monitoring period of six months, and to review on an annual basis.

Closing Date March 3th, 2009.

SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 19,970.00 Year one (tax free)
The Department of Veterinary Medicine has two Scholarships available in Pathology, available from 1 May 2009 and 1 September 2009.

The Scholarships are for one year in the first instance, renewable for periods of one year up to a total of three years. They are subject to an initial monitoring period of six months, and to review on an annual basis.

The Scholarship provides an outstanding opportunity to study for a postgraduate qualification, and the Scholar will be required to register for a diploma or membership of the Royal College of Pathologists.

You will receive core training at the Queen`s Veterinary School Hospital diagnostic pathology laboratory. You will be trained in diagnostic morbid anatomy and histopathology of all common domestic species; will participate in the small-group teaching of veterinary students; and will undertake a research project. The training programme is approved by the European College of Veterinary Pathology, and the Royal College of Pathologists.

Applicants must be a Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, or hold a veterinary degree qualifying them for membership. A minimum of twelve months´ experience of diagnostic pathology is desirable.

For informal discussion about the above position, please contact Mr Andrew Jefferies on 01223 337607 arj10@cam.ac.uk

For an application form (SCTS1) and information pack, please contact Melissa Large on 01223 337055, quoting the title of the Scholarship. The application form and information pack may be downloaded from http://www.vet.cam.ac.uk/news/

The completed application form, a curriculum vitae and a covering letter should be sent to Melissa Large, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 OES, or email recruit@vet.cam.ac.uk.

Closing Date March 3th, 2009.
Interview date March 19th, 2009.

[UK] Engineering and Design Masters Scholarship at University of Sussex

[UK] Engineering and Design Masters Scholarship at University of Sussex

University of Sussex, Engineering & Design Masters Scholarships, The Department of Engineering and Design

The Department of Engineering and Design at Sussex is ranked in the top 15 departments in the UK (based on the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise). We attract and develop outstanding staff and students and contribute to research at international levels of excellence.

Building on our research strengths we offer a range of challenging and innovative taught postgraduate programmes as follows:
1. MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
2. MSc Aerospace Technology
3. MSc Embedded Digital Systems
4. MSc Mechanical Engineering
5. MSc Modern Communication Technologies with Business Management
6. MSc Modern Digital Communication Systems
7. MSc Satellite Communications and Space Systems
8. MSc Security Technologies and Systems
9. MSc Turbomachinery

A number of generous scholarships are available to outstanding candidates on all the above programmes. The scholarships will be offered as a reduction in tuition fees of £3000 and are open to international students paying the overseas (non-EU) rate of fee.

The application deadline is 1 May.

For more details visit:
http://www.sussex.ac.uk/scholarships_and_bursaries/pg/overseas/e_and_d_masters_ schol.php

Email: Lene Hyltoft (l.hyltoft@sussex.ac.uk)

To find out more about Engineering & Design at Sussex visit:

[UK] Engineering and Design Masters Scholarship at University of Sussex

[UK] Engineering and Design Masters Scholarship at University of Sussex

Geosciences Scholarship
The Geosciences Scholarship offers outstanding prospective non-Dutch students the opportunity to pursue a degree in one of the Master`s programmes offered by the Graduate School Geosciences. The scholarship programme is highly selective. Only candidates of the highest academic achievement and promise are eligible to receive a scholarship.

Duration and number of scholarships
Selected students will receive a scholarship for a minimum period of 12 and a maximum period of 24 months.

Amount of scholarship
Selected Master`s students are awarded a scholarship up to a maximum of 5,000 Euro per year, for a maximum duration of two years. In total this amounts to 10,000 Euro.

Aim of the programme
The scholarship is designed to make a significant contribution towards the costs of travel and living while studying in Utrecht; however it will be necessary to find additional funding to completely finance your study and stay in Utrecht. As one of the requirements for being granted a residence permit in the Netherlands, students from non EEA countries must prove to the IND (immigration and naturalisation office) that they have sufficient financial means. The university advises a budget, not including the tuition fee, of 10,000 to 14,000 Euros per year to cover as a minimum costs for rent, insurance, living expenses, course books and local transportation.

Selection procedure
The selection for the Geosciences Scholarship is carried out by the Board of Studies of the Graduate School Geosciences within the Faculty of Geosciences. The Board will determine the order of priority of all the eligible candidates on the basis of the criteria below. The funds awarded are exclusively linked to the Master`s programme for which they were granted. Awarded grants cannot be transferred to another starting date or other Master`s programmes.

Eligibility criteria
The applicant must meet the eligibility criteria in order to be considered for one of these scholarships. The applicant should:
1. Hold a non-Dutch passport and not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study for grants and loans;
2. Have been admitted to a Master`s Programme within the Utrecht University Graduate School Geosciences;
3. Hold a relevant Bachelor`s degree or equivalent thereof from a non-Dutch university with a Grade Point Average of 7,5 or higher according to the Dutch grade system. In the Netherlands grades from 1.0 up to 10.0 are used, with 1 being lowest and 10 the highest. A GPA of 7,5 is (for instance) comparable with at least an 60% in the UK and a B+ (or a 3.3) in the United States.
4. Belong to the top 20% of his/her final undergraduate year, as evidenced by a university statement;
5. Be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa (only for students from non EEA countries).

Selection criteria
Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Their academic excellence and promise in the proposed field of study;
2. The academic quality and concrete results of the preceding education, as evidenced, for example, by grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation;
3. The quality and relevance of their motivation letter (academic content, intercultural and communication skills, personal motivation);
4. The quality and feasibility of their financial plan in the application for a place in the Master`s programme;
5. The quality of the application itself (completeness, accuracy, consistency).

Application procedure
Include in your application:
1. The completed Geosciences Scholarship application form;
2. Your bachelor`s thesis or equivalent thereof;
3. A motivation letter of one page, explaining why this scholarship should be awarded to you.

Applications addressed to:
Utrecht University
Graduate School Geosciences
Attn. of Mr. Diederik Gussekloo
Heidelberglaan 2
3584 CS Utrecht
The Netherlands

It is strongly advised to send the scholarship application at the same time as your application for the Master`s Programme.

Deadline of scholarship application
If you plan to start in September applications must be received before March 1st of the same year.
If you plan to start in February applications must be received before September 1st in the preceding year.
Notification of the scholarship awards are expected six weeks after closing dates.

Further inquiries
Any further inquiries should be directed to Mr. Diederik Gussekloo by e-mail only, in order to ensure efficient response: d.gussekloo@geo.uu.nl

Postgraduate Research Funding School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester New 18 PhD studentships available.

Postgraduate Research Funding
School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester New 18 PhD studentships available.

Funded Project Studentships
From time to time the School has fully funded project studentships that are attached to a specific research project taking place in one of our research groups. Information about current opportunities is available here.

Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards
The DHPA are highly prestigious, and successful candidates will be considered to have outstanding research potential and will hold the equivalent of a UK first class honours degree as a minimum. The award covers full international student tuition fees plus DHPA scholars should receive at least the minimum Research Council PhD stipend. For the academic year 2009/10 stipend is £13,290.

Alumni Fund Scholarships
The AFS are primarily for current final-year undergraduate students at Manchester who are considering staying on for PhD study at the University, but the award is also open to those who have graduated from the University within the last four years. This award can be in the form of a minimum partial award of £8,000 or a full award of £16,000 per annum.

Master of Enterprise
For (MEnt) Computer Science Studentships please visit TheManchester Science Enterprise Centre website: http://www.msec.manchester.ac.uk/courses/postgraduate/fees-funding/

Available to All Students

The School of Computer Science supports postgraduate research study through the provision of a number of School scholarships. These include:
o Atlas Scholarships
o Project studentships
o School Scholarships
o Demonstrator opportunities
o Teaching Assistantship
o Demonstrator opportunities: If you are self-funded or externally-funded, there are opportunities to undertake paid laboratory demonstrator duties.
o Teaching Assistantships: Teaching assistantships are full-time studentships funded by the school in return for some part-time work. Teaching assistants have a scholarship equivalent to the ESPRC scholarship, plus an honorarium for the work they do. Teaching Assistants work part time in term-time, aiding staff in various teaching-related duties. These duties might include supervising laboratories, preparing and marking course work and taking tutorials and examples classes. There may possibly be an opportunity to give a small number of lectures on courses where the material matches your personal expertise. The work should occupy approximately one full day per week. This enables you to be registered for a full time MPhil/PhD.

Conditions of Work
The work as a teaching assistant should occupy a total of about 180 hours plus some preparation time throughout the year, or approximately one full day a week. The TA will be registered for full-time MPhil or PhD. The precise duties are at the discretion of the Director of the Undergraduate School of the School of Computer Science.

Amount of Award
The current amount of the award is living expenses paid at the current EPSRC national minimum rate plus an honorarium (currently £1,575 per annum) in recognition of Teaching Assistant duties. In addition, the School will pay your University fees (at the current home student rate). Teaching Assistantship is a scholarship, not a job. As such, there is no requirement to pay income tax or National Insurance contributions on this award.

Graduate Research Assistantships (2009-2010)

Graduate Research Assistantships (2009-2010), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Research Assistantships
Research Assistantships are available for Masters Degree Programmes in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the academic year 2009-2010. Assistantship per month is around 1500RM. On campus dormitory accommodation on nominal charges may be provided for students who are single. Tuition fees of about 700RM/month for the first six months and about 530RM/month for the subsequent months are to be borne by the student.

Field of Research
Propellants and Combustion

Who can apply?
1. Fresh Mechanical Engineering/ Aerospace Engineering/ Aeronautical Engineering graduates with good academic standing (minimum CGPA of 3.00/4).
2. Students who are to graduate by May/June 2009 can also apply.
3. Interest and strong knowledge in gas dynamics and combustion are the basic requirements.
4. The applicant should be conversant with computer programming.
5. Relevant research experience will be an added qualification.
6. Strong knowledge in English is required (minimum score: TOEFL: 550; or IELTS: 6).

Whom to apply?
Professor S. Krishnan
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

How to apply?
Application should contain
(1) A covering note duly signed,
(2) A Statement of Purpose,
(3) A detailed curriculum vitae (CV) with a self attested passport size photograph and certified photocopies of the grade/mark sheets attached [apart from other details CV must indicate courses taken with dates, grades obtained, final CGPA, computer programming proficiency, TOEFL/IELTS score, and contact address with e-mail and phone numbers].

Also, confidential reports about the applicant from three referees are required. The referees are requested to send their confidential reports (regarding the applicant`s strength and weakness, flare for independent research, capability to work in a team, etc.) in sealed envelopes directly to Professor S. Krishnan.

Last Date
Assistantships will be offered to the selected students on screening the completed applications as and when received. However, the applications received after April 30th 2009 will not be considered.

The World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships)

The World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships)

RSM Fellowships The World Bank Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSM Fellowships) provides support to young researchers working in academic and research institutions from developing countries and preparing a doctoral thesis in a subject related to development.

Research grants cover residence costs in a university or research center in a member country of the World Bank other than the home country or country of residence of the candidate. Fellowships are awarded for period of five to ten months and must be completed between July 2009 and June 2010. The maximum amount of the grant is US$25,000.

Who Can Apply?

Only lecturers and researchers from eligible countries working on their doctoral thesis can apply for the fellowship. Candidates should be under 45 years, and have completed any course work or exams required for their doctoral program.

Application forms

Application forms and information about the application procedure are available on the World Bank Scholarships Program website: (www.worldbank.org/scholarships). Completed application packages must be received in Washington, D.C., by February 28th, 2009. The awards will be announced in May 2009.

Download application form here

Correspondences and information requests may be sent to:

The World Bank
Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program
MSN J2-204
1818 H St. NW
Washington DC, 20433, USA

email: rsm_felloships@worldbank.org
fax: (202) 522-4036
Visit the website http://go.worldbank.org/LZYMB47270

The deadline for Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships Program is February 28, 2009.

FULL Scholarships to Study in China: 2009

FULL Scholarships to Study in China: 2009

Application deadline: Apryl 30th, 2009
Chinese Government Scholarship scheme is established by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to handle the enrollment of international students and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.

Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship

Categories of Applicants Duration of MajorStudies Duration of RemedialChinese Language courses Duration ofScholarship
academic years
1 Undergraduates 4-5 1-2 4-7
2 Master degree students 2-3 1-2 2-5
3 Doctoral degree students 3-4 1-2 3-6
4 Chinese language students 1-2 none Up to 2
5 General scholars 1 1 Up to 2
6 Senior scholars 1 1 Up to 2

1. According to the regulation stipulated by MOE, all the undergraduate programs are instructed in Chinese. Applicants with no command of Chinese are generally required to take Chinese language courses for 1-2 years before starting their academic programs. Applicants who apply for study in science, engineering, agriculture, medicine (western medicine), economics, management and law are required to take Chinese language courses for 1 year. Applicants who apply for study in literature, history, philosophy, and medicine (traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese herb medicine) are required to take Chinese language courses for 2 years.

2. Some courses set for general scholars, senior scholars and postgraduate students in some universities can be conducted in English. Please refer to Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program and Academic Programs or the website of CSC (http://www.csc.edu.cn/Lianhua) for details.

3. Duration for scholarship specified at the time of admission can NOT be extended in principle.


The applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or the competent authorities in their home countries between January and April every year. Applicants may refer to the relevant authorities for details.


1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
2. Education background and age limit:
* Applicants for undergraduate programs must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
* Applicants for master degree programs must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
* Applicants for Doctoral degree programs must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.
* Chinese language students must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, will study Chinese language program in China.
* General scholar candidates must have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 45, may study all majors besides Chinese language.
* Senior scholar candidates must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.

Details of the Scholarship
1. Full scholarship:

* Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, fee for basic learning materials and accommodation on campus;
* Living allowance;
* One-off settlement subsidy after registration;
* Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China;
* One-off inter-city travel subsidy.

1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the university’s arrangements should be born by the student himself.

2) Fee for basic learning materials covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other materials shall be at self expenses.

3) Monthly allowance is provided to students by the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):

- Undergraduates: CNY 1,400 Yuan
- Chinese language students: CNY 1,400 Yuan
- Master degree students, general scholars: CNY 1,700 Yuan
- Doctoral degree students, senior scholars: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Scholarship students shall receive their monthly allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount of that month. Students upon graduation will be given a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation time set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who do not get the monthly living allowance during holidays can get that upon their return on campus. For those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from the university over a month, the allowance will be suspended for one month.

Students who have to suspend their studies because of serious diseases should go back to the home country and pay for the international trip by themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for at most one year, and their living allowances will be suspended at the same time. The scholarship will be terminated for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.

4) New students will get one-off settlement subsidy upon arrival in China.

- CNY 1,000 Yuan for new students who will study in China up to six months

- CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year or more

5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals entrusted by the institution. The students should pay for a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s relevant regulations.

6) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the entrusted medical assistance agency provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. The claim of individual student will not be accepted by the insurance company.

7) One-off inter-city travel ticket (each for coming-in and leaving China)

Scholarship students are supposed to choose the nearest port to their admitting institutions for inter-city travel and a hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for new scholarship students transferring from the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution, preparatory education institution is located, for students transferring from the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located, and for students transferring from the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation. Expenses for food during the trip and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.

8) International travel expenses

MOE will provide round-trip or one-way international air ticket to scholarship students based on the reached agreements, and entrust CSC to take charge of booking the most direct and economical international air ticket for the students between Beijing and their capitals. If the students make a detour to China or return to their home countries, they shall afford the extra expenses. Expenses for the excess of baggage should be also self-afforded.
2. Partial scholarship

One or some items of the full scholarship (not including one-off settlement subsidy and one-off inter-city travel allowance).

Application Materials

The applicants must fill in and provide the following materials truly and correctly (in duplicate).

1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (printed by CSC), filled in Chinese or in English. It can be downloaded from CSC website (www.csc.edu.cn).

2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they shall also provide studying certificates or employment documents. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

3. Applicants for undergraduate studies are required to provide notarized copy of senior high school transcripts. Applicants for other categories of studies also need to provide relevant notarized transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.

4. A study or research plan in Chinese or in English (no less than 200 words for undergraduates, no less than 500 words for scholars). Detailed research plan (additional paper can be attached) is required for postgraduates or scholars for advanced studies.

5. Applicants for master or doctoral degree studies and senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by professors or associate professors. Applicants who apply in China for master or doctoral degree studies must submit the Admission Notice or Invitation Letter issued by the targeted university.

6. Applicants for music programs are requested to submit one CD recording of the applicants’ own work. Applicants for fine arts programs must submit one CD recording of the applicants’ own work (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).

7. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the legal documents of their legal guardians in China.

8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (printed by Chinese quarantine authority and only for those whose period of studies in China lasts up to six months) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. The medical examination results are valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration while determining the time to take medical examination.

The above materials should reach CSC by April 30th 2009 via either the Chinese diplomatic mission in the applicant’s home country or the embassy of the applicant’s home country in China. Individual applications will not be accepted by CSC. Application materials will not be returned regardless of the result of application.

Selection of Institutions and Specialty

Applicants may choose one academic program and three institutions as personal preferences from the list of Chinese higher education institutions designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program & Academic Programs or the website of CSC (http://www.csc.edu.cn/Lianhua) for details. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of institutions and academic programs strictly in accordance with those listed in the Directory.

Approval and Notification

1. CSC will review all the application materials from the appointed authorities and CSC is authorized to make necessary adjustments on the applied institutions, academic programs and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions and the final decision whether to admit the applicants or not will be made by them. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be processed if they fail to meet the enrollment requirements or the application materials are incomplete.

2. If overseas applicants for degree programs with exemption of examinations are academically ineligible to the programs, the universities will decide which degree program applicants will be offered or give them conditional offers. Students who attend Chinese language training courses or college preparatory courses before major studies must pass the entrance examinations or relevant courses required during their Chinese study or preparatory study before they enter their major studies. If preparatory undergraduate students fail to pass the examinations within the period prescribed in the Admission Notice, they can transfer to study majors of liberal arts and continue to study in China. Other students who fail to pass the examinations within the period prescribed in the Admission Notice shall complete their study as visiting students and return to their home countries.

3. Applicants are encouraged to contact the institutions and tutors prior to application and enclose the relevant admission or recommendation letter in the application materials.

4. Scholarship applicants accepted by Chinese institutions of higher education will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC and submitted to MOE for the record.

5. Students are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice after registration.

6. CSC will send the List of Accepted Students, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study In China (JW201) to the relevant dispatching authorities by July 31, who will forward the documents to the students.

Contact China Scholarship Council

Telephone and E-mail:

Asia: 0086-10-66093923 yongq@csc.edu.cn
Central Asia: 0086-10-66093926/3925 jiangyuan@csc.edu.cn xmsun@csc.edu.cn
America & Oceania :0086-10-66093926/3925 jiangyuan@csc.edu.cn xmsun@csc.edu.cn
Africa: 0086-10-66093919/3920 sswu@csc.edu.cn lmeng@csc.edu.cn
Europe: 0086-10-66093921/3920 ljyu@csc.edu.cn lmeng@csc.edu.cn
Special Scholarship: 0086-10-66093925/3918 xmsun@csc.edu.cn lchen@csc.edu.cn
University Postgraduate Study Program & Degree Study in Provinces and Autonomous Regions Program: 0086-10-66093917/3918 jwang @csc.edu.cn lchen@csc.edu.cn

Fax: 0086-10-66093915
Web: http:// www.csc.edu.cn/Lianhua/

Address: Level 13, Building A3, No.9 Chegongzhuang Avenue, Beijing 100044, P. R. China

Download Application form and Further Scholarship Information

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program Application 2009-2010

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program Application 2009-2010

The government of Japan and the World bank invite applications from mid-career professionals in developing countries for The Joint Japan/World bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP). The application deadline for the program is March 31st, 2009.

The program supports studies at the master’s degree level in fields related to development at universities in World Bank member countries.

In 2009, the Program collaborates with 41 higher education institutions worldwide and candidates are encouraged to apply to one of these institutions. Applications to other higher education institutions will also be considered.

The Program covers full tuition, the cost of basic medical and accident insurance, a monthly subsistence allowance and economy air travel.

Application form, information about eligibility and the application procedure are available on the World Bank Scholarships Program Web Site at www.worldbank.org/scholarships. Completed application packages must be received by March 31st, 2009. The awards will be announced in June 2009.

Correspondence and information requests may be sent to:

The World Bank
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program
MSN J2-204
1818 H St. NW
Washington DC, 20433, USA
email: jjwbgsp@worldbank.org
fax: (202) 522-4036

Scholarship regitstration at: